Frequently asked questions

What is a Tandem Skydive?

A tandem skydive is a jump where you are connected with an experienced instructor who has a min. of 500 skydives. You will get a 20-30 min. briefing before the jump, a suit, glasses and possibly a hat and gloves if needed. 

Tandem free fall and Skive Airport
What is the price of a skydive?

"What is the price of a parachute jump?" - We get a lot of questions just like that, and it is understandable. It depends on the amount of jumps you want included and or whether the tandem is with or without video.

What is the price of a tandem skydive?

A tandem skydive koster 2395 kr og hvid du ønsker en fed video af springet, så koster det kun 700 kr oveni.

A Solo course koster 2200 kr.


Who can do a tandem skydive?

Basically everyone can do a tandem. No age limit. Only limitation is the size of the harness. If you weigh 35 kg or less there is a risk that you wont fit inside the harness and it will be a pure evaluation from the tandem instruktor, whether it would be possible or not.

The passenger needs to be able to fit the harness and if you have any serious illnesses with affect your mobility, it is up to the tandem instructor whether the jump can be done or not. 

The weight limit for a tandem is 110kg.

The harness fits down to very little people (down to 8-10 year old children), you are welcome to come by and see if you can fit the harness. 

Physical requirements

It does not take any serious physical requirements to do a tandem. Although you an not weigh more than 100 kg (in certain cases up to 110kg, but contact +45 50302063 in case you do). You also need to be able to bent your legs. 

Exit altitude and speed in free fall

The normal exit altitude for a tandem jump is between 3.000 and 4.000 meters depending on clouds and weather. We reach a speed of around 200 km/hr, the specific speed depends on the tandem instructor and passangers weight.

Who am I jumping with?

You will be jumping with an experienced skydiver who has a minimum of 500 jumps and a special tandem instructor education.

You can find all the requirements (in Danish) right here -> DFU Under "Faldskærmsbestemmelser" and "UB nr. 52".

What does it take of me?

The only things that a tandem skydive takes of you is that you can use your arms and legs and that you bring clothes that fits to the whether we are jumping in. 

What time of the year can i jump?

At "Faldskærmsklubben West Jump" we jump all year round. During the winter it can get a bit cold, but with the right clothes it is not a problem at all. The weather is clearer and the view is amazing.

How long does a tandem skydive take?

A tandem skydive takes approximately 1-1,5 hours from arrival to you can be out the door. The briefing takes 20-30 minutes and the flight takes 20-25 minutes and the jump it self takes 4-7 minutes. 

Why should i choose a tandem skydive instead of a solo course?

You should pick a tandem jump instead of solo course if you already now know that you are only after an amazing one time experience. On a tandem skydive you will get some free fall which you will not get on the first couple of solo jumps. On the tandem jump et only takes a couple of hours while a solo course takes between 6-8 hours of education.

A tandem is the perfect experience both for yourself and/or for someone you love!

Can i bring my own camera on the jump?

Unfortunately nut. The rules from the Danish Parachute Association states that you need at least 150 jumps before you can carry a camera on the jump.

Du kan for kun 700,- tilkøbe video af dit tandem spring.

What should i wear?

The clothes you should wear depends on what time of the year you jump. During the summer it is perfectly fine with t-shirt and shorts while in the winter you would want to wear some warmer clothes. We will provide you with a jump suit, if needed a hat and gloves.

Is it a problem if i use glasses or contact lenses?

Whether you use contact lenses or glasses it is not a problem. No matter what you will be given a pair of glasses, and we will have some extra large once so you can wear your own glasses underneath if needed. 

Can i bring family and friends?

YES! - You can bring all the family and friends you want! - We sell candy, chips, beer and much more which you can buy! If needed we have a kitchen and a grill that can be used for free. 

What is a solo course?

A solo course is a course where you get all the practical and theoretical information you need to do a solo jump from 1.000 meters. The course takes 6-8 hours and usually takes place Friday night with the jump happening Saturday morning with a staticline as shown on the picture.

Solo faldskærmsudspring med staticline
What is the price of a skydive?

The questions about how much a skydive costs is easy to answer!

How much does a solo skydive cost?

A Solo course med 2 spring inkluderet koster 2200 kr, hvis man efterfølgende ønsker en pakke med 5 spring oven i koster det 900 kr eller hvis man ønsker en pakke med 10 spring oveni, så koster den 1700 kr. 

A tandem skydive koster også 2395kr. 

When you have taken the solo course, you can buy extra jumps at only 180dkk per jump.


Who can do a solo course?

Basically everyone can do a solo course, although there is a few things that can influence it:

To be able to do a solo course, you must be at least 16 years ols and be able to use both legs and both arms fully. You must not suffer from epilepsy or similar.

Should you have diabetes or similar, you must bring a medical certificate. You can not way more than 110kg to do a solo jump.

If you are under 16 years old, you still have the option of doing a tandemspring.

If you are in doubt whether you can jump or not, feel free to call us on +45 50302063 or write to us at

Exit altitude

The first couple of jumps is from 1000 meter. You can choose a different educational track if you want. It is called "Accelerated Free Fall". You can hear more about that after your first jump or call +45 50302063 

How do i get started?

The easiest way to get started is by booking a course by clicking right here Solo Jump and book the next available time. 

If you have question, feel free to contact us!

Who is helping me through this education?

We have a lot of great and professional instructors which helps you through all parts of the education.

What does it take to become a certified skydiver?

The specific requirements to become a certified skydiver you can find right here FB

In short, it takes a Solocourse , and then it takes a minimum of 40 jumps and a good amount of education which you will receive throughout your education. 

What can you do as a certified jumper?

As a certified jumper you are allowed to jump without any instructors present, you can buy and use your own gear, go outside Denmark to jump and much more!. - Even though you are certified, it does not mean that you are done evolving. There is a lot of different disciplines you can do. read more about that under the tap "General" and here -> disciplines.

What time of the year can i jump?

At "Faldskærmsklubben West Jump" we jump all year round. During the winter it can get a bit cold, but with the right clothes it is not a problem at all. The weather is clearer and the view is amazing.

How long does it take to do a solo course?

All in all it takes approximately 6-8 hours. Usually we teach friday night from 18-22 and afterwards the education continues Saturday morning followed by the jump right after.

Can i buy a gift card?

Off course you can buy a gift card! It could be the perfect Christmas gift og birthday present for a loved one, this could be the perfect idea! You can buy a gift card quick and easily right here GIFT CARD You wish a nice gift card being made? - Text or call us at / +45 50302063 and we will sent it to you on email asap.

Why should i choose a solo course instead of a tandem jump?

Du skal vælge solospring frem for tandemspringe hvis du ønsker at prøve at springe ud af en flyver helt selv for første gang! Det er den nemmeste måde at kickstarte din faldskærmsuddannelse og du har nem og billig mulighed for mange flere spring, da springene efter dine to første spring kun koster 200 kroner. På et tandemspring skal du kun have en kort briefing og så er du klar til at springe. På et solokursus tager undervisningen cirka 6 timer.

Is it a gift, you can choose to buy a gift card for the person instead and you can buy it right here GIFT CARD this allows the person to choose what she or he wants to do.

Is it a problem if i use glasses or contact lenses?

Whether you use contact lenses or glasses it is not a problem. No matter what you will be given a pair of glasses, and we will have some extra large once so you can wear your own glasses underneath if needed. 

Can i bring family and friends?

YES! - You can bring all the family and friends you want! - We sell candy, chips, beer and much more which you can buy! If needed we have a kitchen and a grill that can be used for free. 

What happens after your first jump?

Efter første spring, har du hvis vejret og tiden tillader det, mulighed for at springe dit andet spring som er med i prisen til solokurset. Hvis du ønsker yderligere spring ud over de to spring, så kan du tilkøbe flere spring til kun 200 kroner stykket og du kan springe rundt omkring i landet. Efter få spring har du mulighed for at opleve dit første frie fald og derfra går det stærkt og du er på vej mod at blive certificeret faldskærmsspringer. 

Hvad er AFF?

AFF er en forkortelse for Accelereret Frit Fald. Med AFF-uddannelsen springer du direkte ud i alt det fede ved sporten, for den giver dig mulighed for at springe solo fra 4000 meters højde allerede fra dit andet spring!

Et spring fra 4000 meters højde er det normale maksimum i Danmark, og giver en fritfaldstid på cirka 45-60 sekunder. MEN du er ikke alene, for sammen med dig er 2 uddannede AFF-instruktører. De holder bogstaveligt talt fast i dig hele vejen ned, indtil du skal have trække din faldskærm!

Første skridt af uddannelsen er et solokursus, hvor du får al den nødvendige teori og praktik for at kunne begynde som faldskærmsspringer. Første spring er et staticline spring fra 1000 meters højde, hvor skærmen bliver automatisk udløst af denne line. Inden første spring får du teori herom og øver dig nede på jorden sammen med dine 2 AFF-instruktører på alt hvad springet indeholder, indtil både du og de er trygge ved det.

AFF-uddannelsen er opbygget i levels (1-8), hvor du for hvert level får tillært dig nye færdigheder og forbedret det du i forvejen har øvet dig på. Kort sagt bliver der gradvist bygget ovenpå generelle færdigheder i alt fra at ligge stabilt i luften når man trækker sin skærm til at lave loops i luften. Det er fastlagt præcis hvad man skal øve sig på og hvad man skal kunne, for at bestå hvert enkelt level.

Du vil have 2 AFF-instruktører med dig i springet indtil du har bestået level 3. Fra level 4-7 har du 1 AFF-instruktør med dig og på level 8 er du klar til at springe alene. Igennem hele uddannelsen vil dine AFF-instruktører gennemgå hvert enkelt spring med dig inden og give dig feedback efter. Og bare rolig, i starten er der er en instruktør på jorden også som vil tale til dig over radio, indtil du selv har lært at flyve skærmen og lande sikkert.

Du vil i AFF-uddannelsen både blive undervist i fritfald, udstyr og skærmflyvning.

Hvad skal man overordnet kunne for at bestå hvert level fra 1-8?

Level 1: 3x Dummy pulls

Level 2: 2x dummy pulls, forward flying, 2x 90 degree turns

Level 3: 1x dummy pull and solo flying

Level 4: Forward flying and 2x 90 degree turns

Level 5: Forward flying and 2x 360 turns

Level 6:  2x Backloops and tracking

Level 7: 1x backloop, 2x 360 turns and tracking

Level 8: Stabel exit from 1500 meters and pull after 5 seconds.

AFF-instruktørerne vil som sagt give dig teori til, gennemgå og øve hvert enkelt spring med dig på jorden, så du ikke er i tvivl om nogen elementer af springet.

Hvis du er nysgerrig, kan du læse mere i AFF-elevhåndbog, hvor alle begreberne er forklaret og det er beskrevet hvad man helt konkret skal gøre og kunne i hvert level for at bestå.

Hvem kan springe AFF?

Stort set alle kan springe solospring og starte på AFF-uddannelsen, dog er der enkelte ting der kan have indflydelse:

To be able to do a solo course, you must be at least 16 years ols and be able to use both legs and both arms fully. You must not suffer from epilepsy or similar.

Skulle du have sukkersyge eller lign. så skal du medbringe en lægeerklæring. Derudover så må du maksimalt vej 110kg for at springe solo.

Hvis du under 16 år, kan du stadig have mulighed for at springe tandem skydive.

Er du i tvivl om du kan springe faldskærm, så kontakt os på +45 50302063 eller på

Exit altitude

Dit allerførste faldskærmsspring foretages fra 1000 meter (læs mere her). Herefter begynder det Accelereret Frit Fald, hvor udspringshøjden er 4000 meter allerede på dit andet spring! Det kan du høre mere om på kurset eller ring og hør mere +45 50302063. 

Hvordan kommer jeg i gang med AFF-uddannelsen og får mit første spring?

Den nemmeste måde at komme i gang med at springe faldskærm på er ved at klikke på linket her Solo Jump og booke den næste ledige tid hvor du kan, og så er du i gang. Når du er på solokurset, fortæller du instruktøren som underviser dig, at du vil tage AFF-uddannelsen.

Du er velkommen til at kontakte os på +45 50302063 eller på, hvis du har nogen spørgsmål!

Hvem hjælper mig og springer med mig under uddannelsen?

Vi har en masse fantastisk gode og professionelle instruktører som hjælper dig igennem alle punkter af uddannelsen. Instruktørerne har gennemgået en længere uddannelse før de begynder at undervise nye springere i at springe i faldskærm, ligesom de legeledes skal have flere års erfaring med faldskærm før de kan påbegynde faldskærmsinstruktør uddannelsen. De instruktører du skal springe med fra andet spring er uddannet som AFF-instruktører.

Hvor lang tid tager AFF-uddannelsen?

Det indledende solokursus tager cirka 6-8 timer med teori og praktik. Som regel underviser vi i det teoretiske fredag aften fra 18-22 og derefter fortsætter praktikken fredag aften og lørdag morgen.


Selve AFF-uddannelsen tager 1 times tid inden første spring, og så vil der være uddannelse før hvert af de efterfølgende levels. 


Hvorfor skal jeg vælge AFF-uddannelsen frem for staticline-uddannelsen?

Som beskrevet i introduktionen til hvad AFF-uddannelsen er, kommer man direkte op i 4000 meters højde fra andet spring med 45-60 sekunders frit fald. Du kommer derfor op i maksimum højde med det samme og får oplevelsen af det frie fald fra start! Derudover har du 2 uddannede AFF-instruktører med dig i de første par spring, og 1 i den resterende del af AFF-uddannelsen.

I staticline-uddannelsen kan du tidligst blive godkendt til at komme op i 4000 meters højde efter 11 til 13 spring. På staticline uddannelsen øges springhøjden nemlig gradvist med start fra 1000 meter, og man vil være alene i luften indtil man er godkendt til fuld højde på 4000 meter og påbegynder sine prøver i frit falds øvelser. Fordelen ved AFF-uddannelsen er altså, at du bliver guidet inden, imens og efter springet af dygtige AFF-instruktører.

Du skal vælge AFF-uddannelse fordi den giver kanongode muligheder for at effektivisere dine færdigheder i frit fald allerede fra start, og bidrage med et stort skridt i rejsen mod at blive certificeret solospringer!

Hvorfor skal jeg vælge AFF-uddannelsen frem for tandemspring?

Vilkårene for et tandemspring og AFF-uddannelsen kan siges at være meget det samme i forhold til springhøjde og frit faldstid. Den store forskel er, at du ved et tandemspring i højere grad får en fantastisk engangsoplevelse, hvor du hænger trygt på maven af en uddannet tandemmaster og kan nyde oplevelsen næsten uden at løfte en finger.

I AFF-uddannelse springer du selv, men du springer trygt med 2 uddannede AFF-instruktører, som har fat i dig, og spring for spring vil klæde dig på til at kunne springe alene. Du skal vælge AFF-uddannelsen for at blive certificeret solospringer, udforske sportens mange discipliner og lege med os andre på himmelen!

What does it take to become a certified skydiver?

The specific requirements to become a certified skydiver you can find right here FB.

Kort fortalt så kræver det naturligvis et Solocourse derudover så kræver det at alle 8 levels er beståede og at du som minimum har 40 spring i alt og en god portion uddannelse som du får undervejs i din AFF-uddannelse. 

What can you do as a certified jumper?

Som certifikat springer må du springe uden instruktører på flyvepladsen. Du må købe og springe i dit eget udstyr, du kan tage til udlandet og springe og meget mere!

Selv om du er blevet certificeret springer eller c-springer betyder det ikke at du ikke fortsat kan udvikle dig. Faldskærmssporten er en sport hvor man konstant kan fortsætte med at udvikle sig og opnår mange nye ting. De forskellige discipliner kan du læse mere om under generelt eller her disciplines.

What time of the year can i jump?

I Faldskærmsklubben West Jump springer vi hele året rundt. Om vinteren er vejret køligt til koldt, men med passende mængde tøj på er det intet problem, men til gengæld er vejret klarere og man kan se meget længere end man kan på de helt varme dage, hvor det kan være en smule “diset” pga. varmen.

Is it a problem if i use glasses or contact lenses?

Whether you use contact lenses or glasses it is not a problem. No matter what you will be given a pair of glasses, and we will have some extra large once so you can wear your own glasses underneath if needed.

Can i bring family and friends?

Du skal være hjertelig velkommen til at medbringe al den familie og alle de venner du overhovedet har lyst til. Vi har både slik, chips, øl og sodavand der kan købes i klubben for meget billige penge. Vi har også køkken der kan lånes og en grill der kan bruges. 

Can i buy a gift card?

Er AFF-uddannelsen i højere grad noget for en du kender? Så kan du naturligvis købe et gavekort hvis du mangler den perfekte julegave, fødselsdagsgave eller andet til en af dine kære. Du kan købe gavekortet super nemt lige her GIFT CARD . Ønsker du et pænere gavekort lavet, så skriv en mail til os på eller ring 50302063, så fikser vi det hurtigt og sender til dig på mail.

Is it dangerous to skydive?

This question is a question we get often. It would be wrong to answer no, because off course there is risks connected to jumping out of the plane. But so is there by driving a car. 

The equipment is the best of the best. It is getting checked every year from top to bottom by specially educated people. 

When was skydiving invented?

The first person who ever jumped out with a parachute was Andre-Jacques Garnerin in 1783. The first free fall was done in 1919 by Leslie Irvin and the first competition was done in the 1930´s.

Highest exit altitude

Many believe that Felix Baumgartner is the record holder with his 39km jump, but in reality it is actually Alan Eustace who beat the record two years after by jumping from over 41km. The normal exit altitude in Denmark is 4km. 

Baumgartner set the record for the fastest freefall with 1,357.64 km/hr against the normal speed of about 200km/hr. Joe Kittinger still holds the record for the longest freefall of 4 minutes and 36 seconds. His record dates back to 1960.

Different disciplines

There is numerous of different discipline within skydiving. Just beneath is a list of some of the most common.

FS (RW) - Formation skydive (FS OR RW - RELATIVE WORK) is a discipline where skydiver jump out if the plane at the same time to try and make different formations on their belly. This i normally the first discipline you do after or at the end of your student education. It is also one of the most well known.

FF - Free Fly is the discipline where you plan to jump out of the plane with others but intend to be on every other axis than on the stomach. The most known expressions is Head Up and Head Down. 

WINGSUIT - Wingsuit is perhaps most known by people as a squirrel suit. Often it is known to be connected with Base Jump and although the suit is similar, the disciplin is very different. A Wingsuit makes a skydiver able to fly further and to stay in the air for much longer time.

CANOPY PILOTING - Canopy piloting or "Swoop" is not a free fall discipline but a discipline that is being done under the canopy. Canopy piloting is all about creating speed under the canopy and making manoeuvres close to the ground with very high speeds. There is multiple disciplines within canopy piloting such as Speed, Distance, Accurace and Free Style. 

Accuracy - Accuracy is about landing the canopy as close to a specific area as possible and hit within 2 cm, that will reward you with a score of 0. 

CRW  - Canopy Relative Work is a discipline which is happing under the canopy. Is basically like Formation Skydive just under a canopy. It is about flying close to each other and grab on to each others canopy in order to make certain formations. 


Formationsspring fra Stor flyver cessna caravan
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Who is skydiving?

That is an easy question! It does not matter what job or anything else you have or do, you can still skydive! 

What can free fall compares to?

We often get question: "What is it like to skydive?" - That is a question that is difficult to answer, because it is difficult to find something to compare it with, is just has to be tried!

Often people say they have tried free fall in Tivoli or something, and that is probably the closest you get to the real thing, but there is still quite a difference. 

Is skydiving an extreme-sport?

Yes it is, skydiving is categorised as an extreme-sport.

How much does it cost to jump out of plane?

Spørgsmålene “Hvad koster det at springe faldskærm?” og “Hvad koster det at flyve i faldskærm” kommer ofte op. Et tandem skydive koster 2395,- og et Solo course koster 2200,-. 

Når man har taget et solokursus kan man efterfølgende springe faldskærm for kun 200 kroner pr spring.

Is it a problem if i use glasses or contact lenses?

Whether you use contact lenses or glasses it is not a problem. No matter what you will be given a pair of glasses, and we will have some extra large once so you can wear your own glasses underneath if needed. 


Should you get injured during a skydive it is your personal accident insurance that needs to cover. 

Are you allowed to drink alcohol prior to jumping?

No, it is not allowed. 

As a rule of thumb you are not allowed to drink alcohol prior to the jump. 

Can you breath during the free fall?

Yes, it is not a problem.